Respect the Personal Space

I don’t care if you are Joe Biden or the average girl next door. Personal space is a sacred thing and should be respected. Joe Biden’s recent awkward hair kissing and nose-to-nose touching brings to light something we, as Americans simply don’t talk about but expect: We prize our personal space and want others to do the same. There is nothing wrong with this.

I’m the first to admit that I need a certain radius of comfortable space around me. I had an anxiety attack once at a Weezer concert because I was too crowded. Who wants to be touching the sweaty arms of a stranger for two hours?! Awkward moments happen in life and people feel uncomfortable about a myriad of things. How many times have we backed further into an elevator to avoid personal space invasion? I also have a handshake rule: I will always stick my hand out to you to shake if we don’t know each other well. I’m a hugger and enjoy giving close friends, family, people whom I know well enough, that sign of affection.

Joe Biden has taken liberties over the years with peoples’ personal space. It may not rise to the level of harassment but he is in a public position and should be more cognizant of others’ personal space – he should know better! And those closest to him should care about him enough to tell him as much.

In any situation, permission should be sought before touching of any kind takes place. We ask permission for a lot less. We should do it when it comes to our personal space and our bodies.