Empowered Women, Empower Women

The phrase, “Empowered women, empower women,” keeps running through my mind. It says so much in four little words; succinct and impactful. Hearing the phrase, for some, invokes fear. For others, it’s a reminder that power, confidence and leadership are found within us all and simply need permission to be released.

Empowerment for me was a long time coming. Years in the making, I still struggle with impostor syndrome and an unfounded fear that I don’t truly belong at the table. Years of being bullied, harassed and torn down in a toxic work environment reduced me to a shadow of the person I thought I was. Building myself back up took time and effort. That’s why it’s so important for me to empower others to find their voice and realize their power.

The enemies of empowerment are fear, shame and guilt - easily created emotions that women deal with daily. We experience it so often that it’s a depressing reality. Making less than men in the workplace for doing the same job. Having full body autonomy and making healthcare choices for ourself. Sacrificing personal opportunities to prioritize the caregiving of others. On and on. There are many stressors that make us question, doubt and feel “less than.” That’s why empowering other in the world is more important than ever. When we show support and build self-confidence in others, we create a ripple effect of decent human beings.

In a time of cultural unrest, isolation, social and informational siloes, it’s critical we build each other up; help each other step up and out. Speaking up and out is leading by example. It gives others a green light to know their voice is also worthy. Standing up for what is right will never be wrong and empowering women, empowers all.

Empowering others is one reason I wrote the book, More Than Words: Turn #MeToo into #ISaidSomething. If you want to find your own voice and help others do the same, order you copy now.